Yellow Fin Tuna Steaks
Thunnus albacares
The yellowfin tuna is among the larger tuna species, reaching weights of over 180 kg (400 lb), but is significantly smaller than the Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas, which can reach over 450 kg (990 lb), and slightly smaller than the bigeye tuna and the southern bluefin tuna. The second dorsal fin and the anal fin, as well as the finlets between those fins and the tail, are bright yellow, giving this fish its common name. The main body is a very dark metallic blue, changing to silver on the belly, which has about 20 vertical lines.

Tuna steaks are packed IVP which make them very convenient for the consumer and allowing a select number of steaks to be consumed/used at a time. They are available in the more affordable semi sashimi grade and are perfect for grilling. These steaks are prepared skinless, boneless and blood line removed.
Fresh wild caught Yellowfin Tuna is perfect on a salad, served seared or grilled. It is a popular fish served raw as sashimi or sushi and becomes firm and moist when cooked. Yellowfin Tuna is best paired with a moderately full white wine which brings out its quality aromatics.
Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) is an open ocean fish, rarely found near reefs. It is a relatively long-lived tuna species with a moderate to high intrinsic vulnerability. Atlantic Ocean Yellowfin tuna was overfished in recent years and reached a low in 2007. The stock biomass is likely 15% below the Conventions MSY Objective and is slowly rebuilding. The Indian Ocean yellowfin stock has also shown signs of recovery due in all likelihood to the drop in longline effort. Our suppliers SAPMER are proudly ‘Friends of the Sea” and “Bureau Veritas” accredited.